Database Service

Financial-grade high availability, strong data consistency, linear horizontal expansion, enterprise-grade security, and supporting facilities for intelligent DBA, automated operation, and monitoring and warning lights.

Solution advantage

Flexible configuration and rapid deployment
Flexible configuration and rapid deployment

Configure according to usage scenarios, quickly deploy database services in seconds, and perform flexible one-click upgrades and expansions.

Data is reliable and continuously available
Data is reliable and continuously available

Multiple backups ensure data reliability, and the active-standby multi-active architecture enables vital data availability.

Excellent performance
Excellent performance

Large memory + physical model support for high-performance reading and writing, supporting massive access.

Full Service
Full Service

Provide 7*24 hours of consultation, professionally answer all doubts, and monitor various business indicators.

Business architecture

Database POC
  • Cooperate with Tencent Business, pre-sales, and industry to conduct database POC activities.

  • Compete with other database partners for PK.

  • Database product planning, deployment

  • Basic function test, database compatibility test, high availability test, high reliability test, network test, performance test, security test, etc.

On Sale
Database delivery, expansion, changes
  • Collect hardware and software information before admission.

  • Database Architecture Planning

  • Database installation, deployment

  • high availability testing,

  • Performance Testing

  • Database expansion.

On Sale
Database migration, upgrades. Database technical s
  • Migrate and upgrade the database according to customer requirements.

  • Database on-site technical support, providing support for various activities related to the database.

On Sale
Database specialist services

According to customer needs and industry ordering needs, we provide advanced DBA manpower, generally including youyou, problem diagnosis, database scheme design, database migration, problem consultation, product consultation, database emergency rescue services.

After Sales
Database specialist services
  • After the customer system went online, the delivery staff had left the site. In the later stage, provide advanced database technical support according to customers’ needs.

  • Generally includes, problem diagnosis, database scheme design, database migration, problem consultation, product consultation, database emergency rescue service.

Client Case

Tencent Cloud TDSQL Database Customer Case

Tencent Cloud TBASE Database Customer Case